Category Archives: Tech

Huajuapan de León

This post will be in English! Read about the beginning of my adventure here and here.

As I mentioned in the last post, Kids On Computers bought 22 new desktop computers, monitors, keyboards/mice, plus 2 projectors through our local volunteer, Hermes. The dealer doesn’t deliver to the village we’ll be working out of, so we had to figure out a way to transport them from Oaxaca to Huajuapan!

The original plan was for 5 volunteers to jump in a combi with computers on our laps. This plan didn’t make a lot of sense to me, especially since we might need to rent seats for the computers. We finally settled on a better plan and Hermes’ company rented an entire combi/van to transport the computers and the volunteers.

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Lunes en Oaxaca

Si se lo perdiste, escribí un blog de mi viaje a Oaxaca y mi primero día en la cuidad.

En lunes, desayunamos con Hermes y otro programador que trabaja con él. Entonces exploré algunos sitios en Alcala, una pasarela pedestre desde el zócalo (un parque en el centro de la cuidad es como las plazas de armas en Suramérica) a la iglesia. Hay muchos tiendas, museos, gallerías, etc.

Visité el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo y disfruté la exposición de Sonoplastia. Fue un poco extraño mezcla entre sonidos y arte, pero me gustó muchas exposiciones. Tengo un video aquí.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo en Oaxaca, Mexico.

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Bienvenidos a Oaxaca

Estoy siendo voluntario durante 3 semanas con Kids On Computers (KOC), una organización sin fines de lucro de los Estados Unidos, que instalan laboratorios de computadoras en todo el mundo.

Quería tomar un momentito para pensar en que quiero hacer con mi carrera y el mejor camino para hacer esto es conectar con mis valores más fuertes. Es muy importante para mi cerrar la brecha digital en los Estados Unidos así como el resto del mundo. Esta oportunidad es perfecta para practicar eso.

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Women Techmakers + LadyHacks

I was a mentor and project lead today the Women Techmakers + LadyHacks hackathon this weekend. LadyHacks follows the model of a civic hackathon, which emphasizes creating projects for the greater good. This event is a partnership between the Philadelphia GDG (I’m the organizer [grew out of the Android Alliance]) and LadyHacks for International Women’s Day!

LadyHacks is a community event for women of all skill levels to work collaboratively on projects using technology to provide solutions. Beginners, tech-curious, and experienced developers all attended and shared their knowledge and skills while working on projects that they are passionate about.

LadyHacks work room. (2014)

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AnDevCon San Francisco 2013

I’m back at the Android Developers Conference this week and learning about all things Android and networking with some of the best Android developers in this half of the world.

As I did in Boston, I’m giving a different spin on my fragments talk. I’ve designed a half-day workshop that walks you through two code examples, to give you a better sense for the how much easier it is to begin your project with fragments instead of retrofitting them later.

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AnDevCon Boston 2013

I’ve been at the Android Developers Conference this week learning about embedded Android development, the best way to handle HTTP requests, concurrency strategies, and performance enhancements. The talks have been great and I’ve enjoyed networking with Android developers from around the world.

This morning I’m giving a different spin on my fragments talk. This will be a workshop to walk through code examples instead of lecture style. As we work through two examples, it will give you a sense for the how much easier it is to begin your project with fragments instead of retro fitting them later.

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