Tag Archives: code

Barcamp Philly 2014

I was inspired by three different sources to give a talk at Barcamp this past Saturday.

First, I attended the inaugural Write/Speak/Code conference last year. During the Write day, we learned how to own our expertise and write op ed columns (something that’s on my short term goal list). The Speak day was all about the mechanics of drafting and submitting talks. (Pam Selle and I spoke on the Code day about feminist models for open source participation).
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5 Principles of Android Logging

A recent question got me thinking about how I use logging in my development/debug process.

Don’t tell lies.

Remember that it’s easy to lie to yourself with logs. I can’t tell you how many times I have made incorrect assumptions about what is going wrong with my code based on the truth presented by the logs. Eventually after exhausting all the other options you finally start tracking down the real problem.

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Managing Static and Dynamic Fragments

When reading the reviews on one of the Android books I recommend, I came across this question:

I read the chapter on UI and the section on fragments. I followed the given example step by step and got it to work. So far so good. I then attempted to build my own solution of dynamically adding fragments to a layout. I’m none the wiser as to how to reference the views within each dynamically added fragment. The 3 things I really want to know about any control: (1) how to add statically, (2) how to add dynamically, (3) how to reference any view I place into the UI.

Fragments can be a tricky subject! I’ll break down the difference between static and dynamic fragments in this post to give you a better idea of how they work.
Continue reading Managing Static and Dynamic Fragments

Women Techmakers + LadyHacks

I was a mentor and project lead today the Women Techmakers + LadyHacks hackathon this weekend. LadyHacks follows the model of a civic hackathon, which emphasizes creating projects for the greater good. This event is a partnership between the Philadelphia GDG (I’m the organizer [grew out of the Android Alliance]) and LadyHacks for International Women’s Day!

LadyHacks is a community event for women of all skill levels to work collaboratively on projects using technology to provide solutions. Beginners, tech-curious, and experienced developers all attended and shared their knowledge and skills while working on projects that they are passionate about.

LadyHacks work room. (2014) @coreylatislaw.com

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AnDevCon San Francisco 2013

I’m back at the Android Developers Conference this week and learning about all things Android and networking with some of the best Android developers in this half of the world.

As I did in Boston, I’m giving a different spin on my fragments talk. I’ve designed a half-day workshop that walks you through two code examples, to give you a better sense for the how much easier it is to begin your project with fragments instead of retrofitting them later.

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AnDevCon Boston 2013

I’ve been at the Android Developers Conference this week learning about embedded Android development, the best way to handle HTTP requests, concurrency strategies, and performance enhancements. The talks have been great and I’ve enjoyed networking with Android developers from around the world.

This morning I’m giving a different spin on my fragments talk. This will be a workshop to walk through code examples instead of lecture style. As we work through two examples, it will give you a sense for the how much easier it is to begin your project with fragments instead of retro fitting them later.

Continue reading AnDevCon Boston 2013

Intro to Programming

Welcome to my intro to programming class! I am teaching today through GirlDevelopIt and in the future will be teaching through Skillshare. If you are unable to make it today, please join me in April! The Skillshare classes will have a smaller class size, more time to Play with Alice, and a focused learning environment.

We will be using Alice 3.1 to teach fundamental programming concepts. It is a nice tool because it helps you learn the fundamentals in a visual way without the headache of programming syntax (the way you write the lines of code so that a computer can read them).

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Android 101, Class 4

Instead of focusing on styling in yesterday’s class, we focused on the Java code to make the calculator work. We’ve moved the styling lab and material to today’s class. If you were having trouble with the calculator portion of the class – do not dispair! Download the latest code from the classroom example so you can follow along with the styling lab today.

If you haven’t finished last week’s homework, don’t be discouraged! Join us at project night! Also, I will be posting my finished application so you can see how I implemented the project.

Continue reading Android 101, Class 4

Configure Android Testing in IntelliJ 11

Had a heck of a time finding a tutorial on configuring Android instrumentation testing in IntelliJ. I tried the command line approach, but it was cumbersome and I’d rather have IDE integration. Finally I stumbled across this link which got me most of the way there. Some of the instructions are now automated in IntelliJ 11, so here’s an updated tutorial.

This tutorial assumes that you have installed the Android SDK, created an Android project, and simply want to add testing to it.

First, open project structure dialog by right clicking on project name or with the keyboard shortcut F4. Click the plus button and select “Module.”

IntelliJ Settings (Module) @coreylatislaw.com

Continue reading Configure Android Testing in IntelliJ 11