Tag Archives: Logical Bricks Solutions

¡Coding Dojo! en Oaxaca

On Saturday morning, Alex, Hunter and I packed up to move back to Oaxaca. On the way to the bus station, Hunter made a last minute audible and hung out with his video game friends instead. Alexa and I took the bus and shared music on the way.

Alex’s aunt and uncle live in the city, so we went straight to their house from the bus station. We had Chinese buffet for lunch with his aunt and brother – it was an interesting mix of Mexican spices and Chinese food (similar to Chifas in Péru).

After lunch, we went to the Coding Dojo which was run by Oaxaca.rb  (headed by Hermes, Fernando, and others from Logical Bricks Solutions).

Coding Dojo 2014 - With Logical Bricks Solutions. @coreylatislaw.com

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