Tag Archives: board games

Jueves a UTM

We had the option on Thursday morning of taking a break, so I decided to recharge my batteries a bit and purchase the thing I’d wanted since I arrived – ¡Spanish board games!

Alex and Hunter were originally planning to join the rest of the team for the school visit that morning, but they started breakfast a bit too late. The rest of the team left to check out the new school location to see if they had the prerequisites we look for: a room with tables, a lock on the door, and an engaged community.

After breakfast, Alex, Hunter, and I went on a walk and visited the Huajaupan version of Walmart. I bought a box of 12 traditional games and a two decks of Spanish cards. The deck is interesting because it lacks 8’s and 9’s, Aces are 1’s, the suits are a bit different, and there is no Queen.

Huajuapan, Mexico(2014) @coreylatislaw.com

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